Xandra the Witch
Xandra the Witch | Time Academy
Letter to Myself at the End of University

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Letter to Myself at the End of University

written 10 years after I graduated

Dear Reader,

Last week I got my UK citizenship! 

My friend asked me how I was feeling about it, and I drew a blank. But I’m glad she prompted me to reflect on it, because over the next few days I had a LOT of thoughts. I wrote pages and pages, and will publish them here one day. In the meantime, it’s time to share something I wrote last year during priestess training

One of my favourite learnings from priestess training was to honour the passage of time through ceremony.

My teacher, Bria Nuccio, invited us reflect on our most empowered life transition. I chose my arrival at Oxford, because I followed the call independently and proactively, and learned how to receive help. I saw where my soul needed to be, I listened, and I arrived.

As for the least empowering life transition, I chose leaving Oxford. Our assignment was to design a ceremony to re-initiate ourselves into that rite of passage. For my ceremony, I wrote a Letter to Myself at the End of University (ten years after I graduated). I always intended to share it more widely, when the time was right. The time is now. I hope that if you need it, it brings you peace.

🌷 X

P.S. The photo above is me last year, around the time that I wrote the Letter. ok, now I’ll share it. Here’s my original handwriting, which typed it up, and I also read it aloud ♥️

Letter to Myself at the End of University:

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Xandra the Witch
Xandra the Witch | Time Academy
Musings on the magical nature of time + a call to reclaim true self-expression in the modern age 🌟 Xandra Sunglim Burns is a Writer, Witch, and Time Priestess who enjoys rollercoasters 🪄 xandrathewitch.com